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Causes of Lung Leaking

Lung leak is a dangerous condition. If you have experienced severe chest or shoulder pain, shortness of breath, a rapid heartbeat, and skin turns bluish due to lack of oxygen, you may be experiencing leaky lungs. In the medical world, leaky lungs are known as pneumothorax. If this happens, you can still breathe, but the lungs can not expand normally, so that the oxygen obtained will be reduced.

Some Causes of Lung Leaking

Every person has a pair of lungs, which function to breathe oxygen to be channeled into red blood cells in the bloodstream. Furthermore, red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, for use in body cells. Leaking lungs cannot be considered trivial. In this condition, air enters the space between the lungs and the chest wall. This air pushes and presses the lungs from the outside, thus preventing the lungs from expanding when breathing. Usually, leakage only occurs in one part of the lungs. As for several causes of lung leak, including:
  • Chest injuries, both injuries resulting from gunshot or stab wounds and blunt injuries, broken ribs, and car accidents.
  • Lung disease that causes lung tissue to become damaged and leak. For example, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumonia.
  • Leaked lungs can occur in healthy people. For example, a pocket full of air forms outside your lungs, then breaks, and creates pressure. This condition most often occurs in men under the age of 40 years and smoking.
  • Breathe using a machine or breathing apparatus, such as a ventilator.
  • Have had surgery to the chest or abdomen.
  • Has a blockage in the respiratory tract.
Leaking lungs are a serious condition that can be life threatening if not treated immediately. If leakage only occurs in a small portion of the lungs, then you may not experience symptoms. But if the lungs are leaking in most of your lungs, then you might feel shortness of breath and a rapid heartbeat. Leaked lungs can interfere with the process of removing carbon dioxide which would normally be released when we exhale. If not removed, the carbon dioxide can cause pH in the blood and other body fluids to decrease, and can cause you to experience respiratory acidosis.

Handling and Prevention of Lung Leaking

Handling of leaking lungs is to reduce air pressure in the lung cavity and maintain normal air pressure in the lungs, to support the optimal breathing process. If necessary, the doctor will insert a needle or tube into the lung cavity to expel excess air. After the procedure, patients need to get observations at the hospital to anticipate the lungs are leaking again. Actually, there is no known way to prevent the lungs from leaking. Someone who has experienced a leaky lung, can experience it again. But there are some things you can do to reduce the risk of recurrence of a leaking lung. Here are some things you need to pay attention to, including:
  • Quit smoking

  • If you are already actively smoking, you can start smoking now. Ask your doctor for help if you experience difficulties.
  • Consult a doctor

  • If you have certain lung diseases, consult your doctor regularly.
  • Avoid risky activities

  • Avoid activities that can cause changes in pressure on the lungs, such as diving or scuba diving.
If you experience some symptoms related to leaking lungs, it is advisable to get a doctor's treatment immediately, because prompt treatment can fully restore you. If the condition of the leaky lung you are experiencing is severe, then late treatment can cause fatal complications.
